League of Legends Honor Login Screen!! This was a lot of fun to work on. There was a time when I was a super LoL nerd so Imaginary Forces put me on a lot projects for them. Besides this project I made sizzle reels to demonstrate the amount of work we’ve produced for them and to attract more business. I also worked on package designs for the LoL Esports events. They have huge tournaments that are, by now, more popular than modern sports events. This piece in particular, I work on conceptual development. There were two approaches, this one being the more ambiguous approach that focuses on the trophy and less background. My approach was more narrative and depicted elements from the game in the background. Overall, both would have been great but I think we went with the right decision in choosing the less narrative concept. In terms of animation, I animated some of the ‘magic’ that you see swirling around. I made the magic in AE and then composited it on flat cards in C4D to interact with the rest of the trophy model.